About Us

Advanced Financial Services Group LLC is a registered and bonded credit service organization based in Austin, TX. We provide credit repair and credit counseling throughout the entire state of Texas.

How Advanced Financial Services Group Got Started…

Firstly, we got our start working with another credit repair company several years ago and saw that many clients were handled in the same manner; to clarify, they were given the same type of dispute letters; most clients had the exact same dispute reason, which resulted in many clients being extremely frustrated with their results or lack thereof.

Due to this, we began strategizing on how we could do things better. We wanted to make a difference in people’s lives and actually help those who came to us get the best results, so we decided to get a solid understanding of credit laws, how credit bureaus operate, debt collection laws and practices, how credit works, credit card usage, how credit card companies operate, including the laws that govern them, and more.

Once we gained that knowledge, we then formed our own company.

*Images displayed above: It is important to note that results may vary. The results you receive are determined by a number of factors.*

Whom Do We Serve?

Individuals who experience the following:

  • Denied credit often
  • Have no idea how powerful credit is
  • Not sure what it takes to build credit
  • Clueless when it comes to maximizing their credit scores
  • Have the desire to become a homeowner but their credit is stopping them


Partner with credit repair company austinWhom Do We Work With?

Our agency’s specialty is working with real estate professionals and professionals whose clients often don’t qualify for a mortgage.


What’s Our Mission?

Our mission at Advanced Financial Services Group is to assist our clients in improving their credit scores and help them get the things they want in life by educating them about their credit and showing them how to effectively play the game of credit.


What’s Our Vision?

To help 500 families get a 750+ credit score and become a homeowner in 2023.


How Do We Differ From Other Credit Repair Companies in Austin, Texas?

At AFSG, we are different from other credit repair companies in the following ways:

By immersing ourselves in getting results for our clients….

Ensuring that our lines of communication with our clients are always open…

Creating custom video tutorials to help our clients understand their credit…

Full commitment of our team to our clients…

When Our Clients Win, We Win!


Start Winning Now…

Complete this form to enroll in our program.

credit counseling in austin texas


Professional Credit Repair Services Near Me…

If you have bad credit or a credit standing that doesn’t meet your standards, we can help. Our company provides professional credit counseling services to clients who want to improve their credit scores and financial standing.

Our credit experts know how difficult it can be to restore your credit score, which is why we will work with you to ensure the results you are looking for.

Everyone has a unique credit profile; therefore, we do not implement a one-size fits all credit program when repairing our clients’ credit.

To determine what is best for you, our experts will examine your credit profile first. We get straight to the point and won’t sugarcoat anything. Based on what we discover, we’ll share your best move for your specific credit goals.

Need Credit Repair or Credit Counseling Services?

Are you in Austin and need a trustworthy credit repair company? Advanced Financial Services Group LLC is the best credit repair company for you. Contact us today and let us know how we can help you achieve your credit goals.

Who is Advanced Financial Services Group - AFSG

“My credit scores have been on the rise since I’ve started 3 months ago .My score is now the highest it has ever been and it’s climbing daily . This company showed me exactly how to make that happen, and I’m looking forward to getting my scores in the 700s. Honest feedback , proven strategies, and making sure that I never give up is something this company definitely delivers 🙂 Thanks Advanced Financial Services Group!” -Johanna D.

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